Most dog owners have watched their dog's react to a squirrel in video and/or in real life. From gardens to parks to woodland across most of the world, there are squirrels, lots of squirrels! Dogs are obsessed with these fast moving, high climbing balls of fur!
If your dog or puppy has not yet encountered a squirrel, turn on your TV and use the squirrel videos for dogs to watch in this post and watch your dog's reaction.
Why Do Dogs Like Squirrels?
It's their instinct
Feel-good chemicals are released when they chase anything
Squirrels are small, fast creatures that grab their attention
The scent of squirrels
A squirrel may be teasing them - especially when they know the dogs can't reach them
Are Squirrels Afraid of Dogs?
Squirrels are afraid of dogs (and cats). They are afraid of being chased, and being killed. Additionally, a dog's bark creates additional fear too, whatever size or breed the dog is. It is important to remember that if a dog chases and/or catches a squirrel, the squirrel's natural instinct for survival will kick in.
Will A Squirrel Attack A Dog?
If it needs to attack, yes. In survival mode, as a last line of defence, a squirrel will use its long claws and long teeth to fend off any attacker. This can result in dogs being injured (and the injury becoming infected) and needing a visit to the vet. In 2005, the BBC reported of a dog actually being killed by Squirrels. Some exposure therapy training may reduce your dog's interest in squirrels for when they come face to face with one.
Youtube Squirrel Video For Dogs
In addition to entertaining your dog, using this Youtube squirrel video for dogs for exposure therapy may also normalise squirrels for dogs and help reduce their interest in them. With additional obedience training, you can prevent your dog from the dangers of running off and chasing squirrels. Remember that dogs can't see/watch videos on your phone or tablet screens; but, thanks to the technology in our TVs, they can see the squirrels in this video for when the watch it on your TV or on their TV if they are lucky enough to have their own!
Here is the full episode of Dog TV on Diggity Dog Pet Music & TV
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