By asking yourself, ' do i help my dog with fireworks?', you have actually taken the first step to help your dog with fireworks sounds! We can predict the annual fireworks events well in advance. Use these windows of opportunity for some basic dog training by gently exposing your dog to fireworks sounds so that they are desensitised to the loud, intrusive sounds, noises and bangs that can make us all jump! With New Year's Eve fast approaching, there is plenty of time to start your dogs desensitising training to help reduce or avoid your dog or puppy having anxiety, stress or panic attacks.
In my previous post, I introduced the Beginner Class', which you should start with. Here's the second class of the 4: the Experienced Class. You will notice that the exposure to fireworks sounds and the duration has increased compared to the beginner class: there is less music and the music is less prominent. Starting at a low volume, use this class for a number of day or weeks before progressing to the Intermediate Class on our dog training youtube channel 👉
Streaming Platforms
If you would rather use our Spotify for dog training podcast or your preferred streaming service to access Fireworks Exposure Therapy For Dogs Level 1 - 7, here's your link 👇
Happy Dog Training.

An Extra Point of Awareness
Throughout the year, many dogs and puppies suffer with anxiety separation when their owner are out of the house. On New Year's Eve, this anxiety along with fireworks can make it especially difficult for many dogs so be sure invest time into your dogs fireworks desensitization training until their fear is gone.